Have you ever wished to prepare a dish from a recipe book but found it difficult and tasking to complete the task simply because you were unfamiliar with the cooking terms used in such a book? Definitely, this happens to everyone in the kitchen once in a while. Most people use ‘cook’ for eggs instead of ‘boil’. These and more, are common mistakes people make in the kitchen. But the best way to really conquer this situation is to look up those unfamiliar terms in a dictionary or glossary. Here are some terms you may wish to learn about. The link is also provided for further reading....Read more>>>
Bake: To cook food in an
oven, surrounded with dry heat; called roasting when applied to meat or
Barbecue: To cook foods on a
rack or a spit over coals.
Batter: An uncooked
pourable mixture usually made up of flour, a liquid, and other ingredients.
Beat: To stir rapidly to
make a mixture smooth, using a whisk, spoon, or mixer.
Blanch: To cook briefly in
boiling water to seal in flavor and color; usually used for vegetables or
fruit, to prepare for freezing, and to ease skin removal.
Blend: To thoroughly
combine 2 or more ingredients, either by hand with a whisk or spoon, or with a
Boil: To cook in bubbling
water that has reached 212 degrees F.
Dice: To cut food into
very small (1/8-to 1/4-inch) cubes.
Marinate: To soak in a flavored liquid; usually
refers to meat, poultry, or fish.
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